KA650 in MicroVAX BA123?

From: ajp166 <ajp166_at_bellatlantic.net>
Date: Tue Nov 7 17:32:39 2000

From: DOUG PEKSA - COMPG <PeksaDO_at_Cardiff.ac.uk>

>is on the upgrade decal and the DEC instruction
>booklet refers to the upgrade as a Microvax 3. Are
>there MicroVAX III decals out there, is the
>MicroVAX 3 decal unusual, or are both common?

No, not unusual.Standard FS kits usually have all sorts of
docs and rebadging material.

What often happend was that someone would upgrade
by attrition of another system or by ordering just what was
required. With that you could have an assortment of markings.

Received on Tue Nov 07 2000 - 17:32:39 GMT

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