PDP-10 Emulator (was: Re: MULTICS Installation, Halifax)

From: Daniel A. Seagraves <DSEAGRAV_at_toad.xkl.com>
Date: Wed Nov 8 07:38:14 2000

[No console?]

I meant console as in lights and switches for examining and depositing memory,


I have TOPS-20 6-series (I forget which one), and it doesn't seem to like the
NIA. Have you gotten it to work?

[Tape support]

Well, that's about all you can do. In my copy at least. Tapes are read-only,
and there's no blocking information, you have to stip all that out.

[One RP06]

If it lets you have more, I haven't found how to enable them yet.

Received on Wed Nov 08 2000 - 07:38:14 GMT

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