I have a Bondwell B310+ laptop, the hard drive of which has been wiped clean.
The machine resists my every effort to boot it from floppy. I have tried 1.44MB
and 720K floppies, with DOS 7.0, 6.22 & 3.3. All attempts produce the same
results - either "Non-Sytem disk or disk error" or "Disk I/O error". The
floppy's spin & seek behaviors seem fine.
I have seen a number of posts online, with the exact same issue on the B310+,
and there has been mention of a special boot floppy for this machine. I need any
help on information, thanks in advance. If you have a boot disk image, please
send it and let me know what special format (if any) the image uses.
Bill Layer
Sales Technician
Received on Tue Nov 14 2000 - 12:30:06 GMT