> Zane, I'd be up to reanimating my torn apart uVAX II for this. I think it
> would be a blast. I can drop it on the 'net fairly easily. I still have
> one of those huge H???? vampire tap ethernet trancievers that I modified
> for 10Base2 that I can hook up to the DEQNA.
> g.
Looks like setting up DECnet over TCP/IP is a piece of cake. Looks like
it's basically a case of setting up the PWIP interface on the VMS system.
For those of us with Firewalls and NAT it looks like ports 102 and 399 would
need to be redirected to the VMS box.
So what services would such a system need to be running? Obviously Mail (but
not SMTP), and DEC Notes. What else? I'm guessing that a VMS related file
archive would be nice. I've got a bunch of VAX games that were on the
original Hobbyist CD, but that don't seem to be available anywhere else.
How would user accounts be handled? Also most importantly is anyone
seriously interested in this?
Received on Fri Nov 17 2000 - 19:38:52 GMT