"R. D. Davis" wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Bill Pechter wrote:
> > Sounds good... Mine's up... wanna start swapping systems entries.
> > We can use Cnews over UUCP over TCP/IP and use the local ISP's for
> > connectivity.
> Doesn't UUCP over TCP/IP defeat the purpose of having UUCP as an
> independent network? An Internet outage and the UUCP system is
> broken. On the other hand, a UUCP network of systems connected via
> the telephone network could survive an Internet breakdown.
Nice thing about UUCP, if configured correctly it could go over either
medium. Fails on IP it can jump to dialup and you could limit the dialup
to certain times of day, day of the week, depending on the host and could
even drop kick to a backup dialup (IIRC).
(The rest deleted as it's reading too much into a system that was designed
that way).
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry rutgers.edu!kb2ear!njc_at_diane.uucp
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry_at_home.net
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Received on Sat Nov 18 2000 - 10:57:16 GMT