> > For people who
> > don't know what one is, visit
> >
> > http://www.retrobits.com/ckb/secret/pet.html
> Hey Cameron:
> Thanks for posting this -- I'd never heard of this machine and it looks like
> a lot of fun. A $199 system with support for five mainstream languages?
> Seems like they could have sold a million of them just to developers and
> students . . .
Yeah, they sure could have. Actually, in the Secret Weapons collection, the
machine I thought had a *lot* of potential was the CBM 900, their Z8001-based
Unix server. I am hellbent on acquiring one and slapping TCP/IP on it --
perhaps I could serve Secret Weapons from a 900 running Coherent UNIX, like
Applefritter runs from a Deep Dish ANS 300 :-) (Tip of the hat to Tom Owad.)
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- This message will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim. -- M:I ----
Received on Sun Nov 19 2000 - 09:44:44 GMT