On 2000-11-19 classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org said to kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
cl>;) I recently moved and was missing the ole place... and ran
cl>across some (aged, because there was apparently *some* room to move
cl>around in ) digital snaps. Since there were alot of old systems
cl>in the pics, thought I'd share them...(about 60k a piece)
You made me very happy. Sometimes, when I have trouble moving around in
my own house, I think, I can't be the only crazy guy who lives like this.
Thanks to your pictures, now I'm sure I'm not the only one with a house
like that! :) You even had a pinball machine too. I hope it survived
the move.
Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands - kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
http://www.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/cm/ My Computerhome page
http://www.vaxarchive.org/ Info on old DEC VAX computers
Net-Tamer V 1.08.1 - Registered
Received on Sun Nov 19 2000 - 10:34:31 GMT