This squeaks by but I think it's still on topic :-)
I landed a Mac IIci w/24MB RAM, an 832MB HD, an 8*24*GC NuBus video card
(which will go to the IIsi), the 32MB cache card, and treasure trove of all,
a Farallon EtherWave NuBus card which works wonderfully. Total cost: "take
it away it's consuming space"
Anyway, I decided this would be a fine box for putting NetBSD/mac68k on (and
I've got the NetBSD Foundation CDs on order). Then I noticed the card has
*two* Ethernet ports on it, which makes me wonder if I can assign them to
separate network interfaces. Anyone played with this card and know what the
difference between the ports is? Can I assign them different network
interfaces, either in NetBSD or in MacOS? I didn't see an option under the
TCP/IP control panel (System 7.6).
----------------------------- personal page: --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- TODAY'S DUMB TRUE HEADLINE: Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told ----
Received on Sat Nov 25 2000 - 15:08:00 GMT