Hoi Kees,
Congratulations on these finds !
The PTT always was a bit backward but I did not think this much. Allthoug ....
This PTT-company (a natural DUTCH monopoly that is now called KPN)
once had a plan to translate the BASIC language into DUTCH-BASIC.
Which goes something like .... )
10 Laat A=100
20 Van I = 1 TOT A
30 DRUKAF GEBRUIK "###.##"; I
Okay........ I'll forgive you english speaking lot that you can not digest this
glibberish........ DUTCH-BASIC........ HELP!
Fortunately, they never followed thru on this plan cause everyone that was a
potential programmer; 1) already could speak and read english. 2) in all
likelyhood would not program in ANY-KINDA-BASIC.
Alas, I violated the second rule.
Sipke de Wal
----- Original Message -----
From: <kees.stravers_at_iae.nl>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 2:48 AM
Subject: How old is this PDP8?
> Hi,
> Usually I don't announce in this list my new additions to my collection.
> Recently I even have become somewhat ashamed about them, because my house
> is getting increasingly harder to live in. Sometimes it is more like a
> childerns maze made out of old computers than a home, and only visitors
> with a technical background can understand why it looks the way it does.
> But now something arrived that I have to tell you about, and ask a
> question too.
> A good friend works at a big research lab of the PTT here in The
> Netherlands. They were vacating a building and he could have the
> computers that were left behind. It was the same adventure as Megan's,
> including the very large truck filled with classic goodies. My friend
> gave most of them to me. They were a PDP-11/84 with a lot of drives
> and a PDP-8/e.
> He also put a PDP-8 in my garage. It seems incredible, but I think this
> PDP-8 is an original one from the first series from the 1960's. I put up
> a few pictures at
> http://home.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/cm/garage2.html
> Could you experts look at them and verify that this really is a very
> old PDP8? I ask because I just can't believe it is one. It is hard to
> believe for me that the Dutch PTT has kept this machine in its offices
> all these years. The sticker with the service contract number is still
> on it. I don't ask because I want to sell it. It is still my friend's
> property and he will collect it from my place as soon as he has made
> room for it, and he will be getting it working again too I think,
> because he was programming it himself a long time ago.
> Kees.
> --
> Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands - kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
> http://www.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/ My home page (old computers,music,photography)
> http://www.vaxarchive.org/ Info on old DEC VAX computers
> Net-Tamer V 1.08.1 - Registered
Received on Sat Nov 25 2000 - 21:30:23 GMT