A similar tragedy (although on a much smaller scale) last week.
Arrive at coffee at 11:15 to be told that an IBM PS/2 P70 (386
plasma luggable) has been placed/thrown on the skip. This is
in direct contravention of my standing orders that I should be told
before anything is thrown away - but no one listens....
Anyway, deciding that no more damage will come to the item while I
finish my coffee, I finish my coffee. Twenty minutes later and I'm
standing next to the skip or more correctly I would be
standing next to the skip if the skip was there - it's gone.
I am overcome with guilt - if only I'd gone immediately, if only
I'd broken a few legs earlier to impress upon people that I collect
junk^H^H^H^H antiques.
However I later discover that the skip had been removed a minute or
two before 11:00, so even if I'd gone immediately on being told
I would have been too late.
I am now resolved to go immediately and at high speed when
information is
received. The baseball bat is now within easy reach on the bookshelf.
Received on Wed Nov 29 2000 - 11:34:30 GMT
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