We are all adults here. I doubt this could turn into a flame war. One
fellow mentioned it might be interesting to hear what other's think about
it given the international nature of this list.
Nothing beats a list of articulate propellerheads like this one.
In <Pine.LNX.4.10.10104091211340.15778-100000_at_siconic.com>, on 04/09/01
at 04:47 PM, Sellam Ismail <foo_at_siconic.com> said:
>On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Chad Fernandez wrote:
>> Intrusion?? Offending?? Why, because Americans care about what is
>> taking place between the USA and China? I wouldn't be offended if an
>> Israeli talked about the stuff in there country with the Palestinians.
>> Why is it that because a list is "International" that everyone is
>> expected to pretend that they don't live in a country?
>Maybe the biggest objection is that it is completely and totally
>off-topic for a mailing list dedicated to discussing old computers?
>The LAST thing I want is an "Us vs. Them" argument in ClassicCmp.
>In ClassicCmp, as in Cyerbspace, there are no borders.
>Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
>International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
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Asheville, NC 28803
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Received on Mon Apr 09 2001 - 15:47:20 BST