Transputer-based Floppies (Highs & Lows of a haul)

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <>
Date: Thu Jan 1 18:07:39 2004

Two years ago, I went down to Bath, England to pick up a major haul of
transputer hardware, software, and documentation. The software was a packed
box of 5-1/4 inch floppies of various stuff. The person I got this from
didn't really care too much about the software and wanted to dump the whole
thing in the dumpster. It was a good thing he asked me 1st before doing

Here are the highs:

1) Found numberous drivers and programs for various transtech and inmos
boards (yipee!). These are very hard to come by

2) Found schematics and source for A LOT of transputer boards that were
manufactured including PAL equations, gerber files, etc

3) Found *original* disks of Microsoft Quick Basic 4.0, Turbo C, and MS
Windows 1.0

Here is the lows:

1) Apparently, some clown overwrote several *ORIGINAL* disks from INMOS with
his/her own applications and programs. This is a HUGE disappointment for me
as some of the disks were drivers for boards that are almost impossible to
get (e.g. B009, B006, Portakit, among other rare stuff) :-(

I havent gone over ALL the disks as it is quite large, but I am currently in
the process of creating images for several of the disks. Stay tuned....



PS: Happy New Year!!!!
Received on Thu Jan 01 2004 - 18:07:39 GMT

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