New ATARI 1040ST user needs help...

From: hellige <>
Date: Sun Apr 6 18:35:17 1997

On 07-Apr-97, wrote:

> get started. An Atari can read IBM/compatable disks (but not vice-versa)
> What this means is that you can download software on your PC at
> double-density (720K) and then pop the disk into your 1040ST and run it.

   Actually, that's not was meant to be write compatible as well,
but there is a bug in TOS 1.02 and below that screws up part of the
format...there are plenty of utilities to fix this, or you can upgrade the
machine to TOS 1.04, 'Rainbow Tos'. Fixes a lot of bugs.

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   Plus Atari SuperPong and Atari 2600VCS game consoles.
Received on Sun Apr 06 1997 - 18:35:17 BST

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