Classic Computer Available

From: Brett <>
Date: Mon Apr 7 23:11:13 1997

Maybe <snif> we <snif> should<snif>n't <snif> allow <snif> posts like

I could NEVER afford the shipping. I could probably DRIVE there and
PICK IT UP but not until summer BAWWWBAWWWWW

(The basement is flooding from my tears alone!!!!!)

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, David Cobley wrote:
> I wish to dispose of my Xerox 16/8 system which is just sitting idle packed
> away in it's original cartons. I'm not interested in selling the system.
> It's free to whoever wants to pay the shipping charges. Can't beat the
> price. But it's take the lot or take nothing!
> When I received the system from my vendor, last summer, I assembled it and
> it worked beautifully.


> So, either the Xerox continues sitting up in the loft, or someone wants it.
> The problem is I live on Vancouver Island which means that shipping these 4
> heavy cartons, 3 for the computer and 1 for the books and disks, could be
> expensive. Even by bus. That's how they came to me from Vancouver.

> David Cobley.


(Such is life - I think I will end mine!)
Received on Mon Apr 07 1997 - 23:11:13 BST

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