> | From: A.R. Duell[SMTP:ard12_at_eng.cam.ac.uk]
> | I wonder how many others on this list don't even own a non-classic
> | computer?
> Depends on how you define "computer". Even my surround sound processor
> has a 80 MHz 40 MIPS 24-bit DSP with more than 64K of RAM on-chip. Most
> of our cars have sophisticated engine management computers.
Well, I don't drive (yet), but when I do, I'll make darn sure there's
nothing in my car that's electronic, other than possibly a (valved/tube)
radio!. As I keep on pointing out to friends "I'll carry a VOM in the boot
(trunk), but I'm not carrying the 'scope and logic analyser as well!"
In fact, I'll stand by my original statement. I don't own a non-classic
computer other than possibly my pocket calculator, which is 6 years old,
and has a Saturn CPU in it.
> Kai
The gates in my computer are AND,OR and NOT, not Bill
Received on Thu Apr 10 1997 - 21:45:33 BST