> [1] There are a good number of Sun 3's around. Unfortunately they seem to
> always be just the cpu. If anyone in the silicon valley area (or anywhere
> near there) would like to trade an old Sun for an Atari 1040ST with about
> 40lbs of accessories, let me know.
I have a couple of Sun 3's available with Monochrome monitors, I'd be
willing to trade for your Atari box... I'm in Los Angeles, and come up
to San Jose every week on Wednesdays (though it'd be a right pain in the
ass to lug this huge hulking monitor up there on the plane...)
Send me some email at jv_at_phxmedia.com if you're interested.
Phoenix Media Labs
Received on Fri Apr 11 1997 - 12:52:07 BST