Generations and Hard/Soft sectoring

From: Isaac Davis <>
Date: Fri Apr 18 00:05:25 1997

>WOW 1's and O's - you where lucky! I had to use l's and O's.
>Of course I cheated and wrote out all my code long hand - that was when
>I was back in Egypt. I am sure you've seen some of my code 8-)

You had 1's AND 0's? Back in my day, we only had 0's, and we liked it. I
tried to get my parents to buy me some 1's, but they were just too much.
Actually, I am 28, and learned to program in basic. I am just now taking
the time to learn assembler on my atari 800. I have wanted to learn for the
last 14 years, but I think that some of the latter experience that I have
gotten has made it to where I think I can tackle assembly language. In the
"old fart" category, I just helped my next door neighbor get his first
computer, a classic of course, and he is in his early 60's. He's pretty
excited, and so am I.

While we are on the subject of disks, I got a bag of 5 1/4" disks from a
friend, and they are mostly DSHD. I have been able to format most of them,
but there are a select few that my Atari SSSD drive will not format. Do you
think that I could format them with a different machine, or pass them under
a magnet and get them to where my atari could format them? I hate to throw
them away, and I'm not that technical when it comes to magnetic properties
and such.

Isaac Davis
Received on Fri Apr 18 1997 - 00:05:25 BST

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