Hard/Soft sectoring

From: Kai Kaltenbach <kaikal_at_MICROSOFT.com>
Date: Fri Apr 18 11:31:43 1997

        | What - you had an assembler? I have to toggle in ones and
        | zeroes. Before that we didn't even have zeroes and I had
        | to use the letter 'O'.

Y'know, that's not far from the truth. I was looking at some of my old
Teletype listings the other day and realized it had a line through the O
instead of through the 0, therefore it really did look like we were
using O's for zeroes!

| Tim. (selling his last of seven IMSAI's to a museum next week...)

Whew, I guess I just got under the wire there! See ya Sunday...

Received on Fri Apr 18 1997 - 11:31:43 BST

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