Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation, Ward Griffiths
and/or Lisa Rogers said:
>On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>as well as the desktop at
>work that I use most for sucking stuff off of the net, as the T-1
>there is better than the 28.8 at home when pulling down a couple of
>hundred meg of fresh Linux material.
Whoo-hoo! A man with a mission! Hey, if you're ever in the EUP of Michigan,
stop in for a homebrew! As I have T1 at work as well, that's why I like the
Zip. Do you realize just how *much* stuff for classic computers there is
out there? I've filled my zip twice with stuff for my CoCo's, my Tandy 200
& 600 laptops, the Atari 800, and the Atari 1040ST machine I'm getting in a
month or so. (that should still be old enough for this list... shouldn't it?)
>that doesn't fit on my old Tandy Xenix and AT&T 3B1 systems (both
>discontinued about 1986 and therefore on-topic in this mailing list, in
>case anyone was getting impatient with the discussion of newfangled
>stuff like Linux and Zip drives -- Linux allows us to extend the
>capabilities of those classics and I know that there is an attempt in
>progress to adapt the Zip to the 3B1).
I just read on a CoCo newsgroup that someone has successfully interfaced a
SCSI Zip drive to their CoCo (the stock SCSI boards need modification to
work with a zip... but it's only a matter of time, now!) Also, I plan on
getting a SCSI board for my ST, so then the zip will have worked with a
Mac, 2 PC's, a Sun Netra Solaris box, the ST (when it's ready) and the CoCo
(if the guy publishes the mods / driver patches.) Cain't do dat with a
AAMAF, a lot of these SCSI technologies available now have the ability to
breath new life into these older machines... as there is now an IDE
interface available for the CoCo as well! If anyone's interested in this,
send me an e-mail and I'll get you more info.
BTW, what Tandy Xenix box do you have? Been wanting a 16b or a 6000... but
can't find those very easily up here in the boonies!
Gotta Roll,
Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should *not*
zmerch_at_northernway.net | be your first career choice.
Received on Mon Apr 21 1997 - 11:20:47 BST