Old Computer Books (was Re: Pets & Silly Game)

From: Glenn Roberts <groberts_at_mitre.org>
Date: Thu Apr 24 12:43:29 1997

At 11:04 AM 4/24/97 -0500, Starling wrote:
>I've found that one of the best sources for old computer books and
>magazines is often overlooked... the LIBRARY... However, if you're
>looking to own the books or magazines, this doesn't help.

actually my experience has been the Library *is* a good place to find old
computer books to *own*. our local libraries routinely sell off older
books that they don't feel are pertinent any more. they cost 50 cents
(paperback) or $1 (hardback)... so stop in at your local library's book
sale booth and you might pick up a classic or two.

- gfr

| Glenn F. Roberts, Falls Church, VA
| Comments are my own and not the opinion of my employer
| groberts_at_mitre.org
Received on Thu Apr 24 1997 - 12:43:29 BST

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