> > How about Chuck Peddle?
> Who? (please explain!)
Chuck Peddle, while working at Motorola, was on the design
team for the 6800. He and a number of other engineers on
the team had a number of enhancements that they wanted to
make to the chip, but the higher-ups wouldn't let them.
They left Motorola to form MOS Technology, and developed
the 6502 line of CPUS. When Commodore decided to get into
the Personal Computer market, they bought MOS. One theory
is that they primarily wanted Peddle. Chuck went on to
design the early Commodore machines. (I'm not sure how
involved he was in the Kim-1, but he almost singlehandedly
designed the first PETs.)
This is mostly off the top of my head. If I made any
glaring errors (or minor ones, for that matter), please
let me know.
(If you do an Alta-vista search for +commodore +"chuck peddle"
you will get around 40 pages with info on him.)
> Sam
Walde Techonology
Box 7284 finger: scott_at_cprompt.sk.ca
Saskatoon, SK S7K 4J2 email: scott_at_cprompt.sk.ca
CANADA email: walde_at_dlcwest.com
Version: 3.1
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Received on Tue Apr 29 1997 - 09:08:15 BST