Atari prob, etc.

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Tue Apr 29 15:01:42 1997

Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation, Isaac Davis said:

>As for power
>supplies, you should be able to get an equivalent power supply at radio
>shack. Just bring the atari one in, and they should be able to match it.

Nope. Sorry about this, but I used to work for RS and I have an Atari
800... (sorry... no spare power supplies) and I can honestly say that I
doubt you will find any power supply from there that puts out AC. The only
machine that I can remember (and I remember most) from RS that took an AC
wart was the Tandy MC-10 (micro color computer), which took 8VAC at 1A
IIRC. You can't even get this PS from RS anymore, and it was for their own

Sadly, if it ain't DC, RS won't have one...

One thing I would be willing to do (when I have time, which won't be for at
least a month) is to open one of my PS's for an exact schematic & parts
list to build your own. I do know all the parts to build an AC PS are
available at the Shack... not sure of cost, of course.

Lemme know if you want me to do this, and remind me in a couple of months
that I volunteered to perform said surgery.

>I can ship off a couple of disks to you with DOS, and a few games. I will
>check out your web page for your address, but if it's not there, just let me
>know where to send the disks.

On this note... I do know that there is a *lot* of software on the Web for
8-bits, but does anyone know where I can find a utility to read/write SSSD
Atari disks on my IBM? I do know that the extended density stuff is just
not possible on PeeCee's, but SD should be possible.

Hope this helps, and TIA as well!

Roger Merchberger       | If at first you don't succeed,
Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should  | *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Tue Apr 29 1997 - 15:01:42 BST

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