
From: Jim Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com>
Date: Wed Apr 30 22:59:44 1997

At 11:41 AM 4/30/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I doubt anyone would get too soggy and hard to light. Who _does_ own the
>MITS copyrights and patents now? (Though I think all of the patents have
>expired, copyrights now extend unto at _least_ the third generation.)

Well... First MITS was acquired by Pertec, who proceeded to run the whole
computer line straight into the ground.

Later, Pertec was bought by Triumph-Adler in Germany.

I've wanted to run a few similar questions by them, but have found no easy
means of communication so far...


The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 22:59:44 BST

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