MicroVAXen rescue

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_wizards.net>
Date: Sun Aug 3 11:13:39 1997

At 00:02 03-08-97 PDT, you wrote:

>Date: Sat, 2 Aug 1997 06:46:19 -0400
>From: Jeff Hellige <jeffh_at_unix.aardvarkol.com>
>To: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu
>Subject: MicroVax II
>Message-ID: <199708021046.GAA13569_at_unix.aardvarkol.com>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Well, it looks like I may be rescuing, or at least try to, a
>MicroVax II on monday. There is a local business, about 30 miles from here,
>that wants to dispose of one, and I got contacted to try and rescue it.
>According to the guy I talked to, it has 2-35meg HD's, and 5meg of RAM in
>it, and I'd just be getting the main system unit. Could someone give me
>some general info on this machine, such as a guess as to the weight of it?

        Weight: About 40-50 lbs. Not bad at all, really. Some PC full-towers tip
the scales around there.

        Sizewise, they're about as tall as a full-tower, but deeper and skinnier.
You can probably lift one in your arms without a huge problem.

        With the hardware that's in it, you could easily run OpenVMS, MicroVMS,
regular VMS (I think -- someone check me on that, please?), Ultrix, or NetBSD.

        I know the guy I wrote to said there were no docs or diags with it, but...
if by some miracle he was wrong, I'd like to get a copy of any diagnostics
that you might get with it.

        Best of luck, and thanks for responding!

Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin_at_wizards.net)
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Received on Sun Aug 03 1997 - 11:13:39 BST

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