Classic Computer Rescue - A Story

From: Brett <>
Date: Mon Aug 4 11:11:30 1997

The Great Galesburg, Illinois Rescue

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 07:00
The alarm went off and I lept up from bed. Today was The Day. The Illinois
arm of the Classic Computer Rescue Squad was to make it's first Rescue!
First to the net to see if plans had changed. Nope - looking good! I make my
first pot of coffee (don't you love those Bunn's?) and start by cleaning out
the van.

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 08:45
Well, that was something I hadn't seen in almost two years - the floor of my
van I mean. Well, what's left of it.

A little history. The van cost me $1 about four years ago. When I bought it
from my buddy's brother, he turned around and paid my buddy the dollar he
owed him for the van from two years before that 8-) The main problem is that
this thing just keeps running.

Anyway, after examining the two foot square hole in the floor, I decided a
piece of plywood would do nicely.

Into the house to make a pot of coffee for the road. And my buddy calls. We
have this understanding when either of us is about to do something stupid,
we just know about it. No we don't try to talk each other out of it, we just
like to know what is going on 8-)

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 09:09
Finally ready to hit the road. Gas up the van, check the front right tire.
Already thru the fourth ply of a four ply - eight ply rating! Ah well that's
why you have a spare. I believe E-250's where made to run with a load! Man
is this thing noisy and jumpy with with NO load!

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 10:00
Well, that klacking sound is back! Time to throw in another guart of oil!
Nope - better make it two! Quick check - nope the radiator ain't leaking any

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 11:00
We both have to go REAL bad! Oh look - a rest stop. Both the van and I
relieve ourselves. The van didn't leak all THAT bad! Back to the road.

Saturday August 2, 1997 - 11:30
Heading south into Galesburg, IL on I-74. Why don't they TELL people they are
ripping up the road?

Saturday August 2, 1997 - about 12:00 somthing.
Well, it looks like I am the last here. The directions were impecable!
The roads where impassable 8-)

Partial list (to be modified)
2 - 11/44
1 - VT-52
3 - RA81
1 - TE16
1 - RSTS Manual set
1 - VAX Ver. 4.0 Manual set
1 - Set of Field Service docs - Mixed
1 - Set of upgrade tapes - DEC Tape II and - what do you call those reels?
1 - 1/4 ton of spares, failures, cables, and Etc.

We did however lose the 11/750 8-( Apparently a professor had wanted a
19" rack and his students chose the 11/750 as the doner! The guts were
exposed to a fate that I abhore - The Trashman!

I think a good time was had by all. At least while we were at Galesburg.
We had no time to do lunch 8-( And we tried to split the equipment up as
I was planning to run over to Peoria and drop off anything those guys
couldn't fit. I still don't believe thay ACTUALLY fit 2 11/44s and a RA81
into a minivan!

Saturday August 2, 1997 - about 16:00
As the Campus Police drive by we all say our farewells. Everybody is running
late so we can't continue our discussions of computers, education, and life
in general 8-(

I fill up the van with water - don't even look at the tire (too afraid) and
I set off to drive the impassable I-74 once again.

Saturday August 2, 1997 - about 18:00
Well, I got a table from my buddy - but not the hardware (that way I have an
excuse to run over to his place 8-) so I pull off I-55 to run over. Sure
enough - Il 59 is all ripped up! As I stop for the traffic light - PANG!
I thought I lost the rear spring - but no. After 360 miles that poor little
tire had let go at the light. God takes care of Fools and Idiots - I am
so glad I belong to both sets! So I pull off and put on my spare - in record
time I might add!

You guys ever hear of Dry Rot? That tire got me home but only after throwing
off about a third of its tread! So after picking up the hardware for the table,
watching "Kingpins" at my buddies, and cruising at about 30 for the last 16
miles - I got home - tired, worn out, but safe.

Now this weekend I have to go to....

Received on Mon Aug 04 1997 - 11:11:30 BST

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