Heads up! Check the attached in detail...

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_wizards.net>
Date: Mon Aug 4 23:52:13 1997

        The attached showed up in sci.electronics.equipment. The main reason
I'm forwarding it to the list is because the fellow advertises a complete
C-64 with what appears to be an actual Commodore EPROM programmer. He's
also got an Atari system and some other interesting goodies.

        Caveat emptor! Attachment follows.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

From: corkymoo_at_aol.com (CorkyMoo)
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.equipment
Subject: fOr sAlE or there abouts.
Date: 4 Aug 1997 15:57:10 GMT
Lines: 137
Message-ID: <19970804155700.LAA11692_at_ladder01.news.aol.com>
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References: <33D3D23E.2862_at_GSI.DE>
Xref: news.eli.net sci.electronics.equipment:12201

Some weights haven't been included. You pay shipping. Write if
interested in the stuff. Its a pain trying to weigh all this stuff.
          Need something electronic? ASK. * $20 min..*
         GC=Good Cond., PC=Poor Cond.-Parts Cond.,
            MO=Make Offer, EC=Excellent Cond.
         * Please pass this list to some one else.
        Need some one to talk to call (716)JIXL-HAT

TUBES electron, 955 acorn,9002,7G,6Z4,89,5Y3,6SJ7,6J5,9006,6AV5,AU6A
                OA3,OA2 and more. Total=31, $1
FUNCTION GEN. - Lab Volt AA777, manual, EC, paid $120, $59
                            .1 to 1 MHz, 4 wave forms plus pulse.
STEPPER MOTORS - 6 stepper motors, 6 wire, $6, GC, 4.5 lb.
WIRE - 5 wire intercom cable 120 ft. $10, new, 4 lb.
CARD READER - Magnetic card readers. $2/ea.
                      $39/25 or $59/50
TESTERS TRANSISTOR 2 - Elenco(new) & Knight, $20 w/manual
               I paid about $25 for one and had to assemble it, used
       it ounce or twice, ouch! Edlie Electronics still sells it.
TIMERS - Digital (coffee), control 15a 120v $4/ea., new
ALARMS - Master Lock, 12v auto or home $8/ea. new
TESTING - equipment 2, old Knight magic eye stuff, capacitance and
               signal tracer, G.C., $20, worth it for the eye tubes.
POWER SUPPLIES - 9 V DC, 150 ma., $2 ea., 5 for $8, 10 for $15, new
               small modular style with 2x12 mm plug, 6 oz./ea.
DB25 CONNECTORS 40 - rt. angle board mount, 20 female, 20 male,
                                 current price $1.60-$1.80 ea., new,
                                  $30, 3 lb.
PHONE CORDS 21 - modular and other, EC, $5, 4 lb.
RESISTORS 35 - power, 900 ohm, tubular porcelains,
                          30 to 50 watts? GC, $6
KEYBOARD - WYSE, 101 with modular plug, new, boxed, $10, 4.5 lb.
KEYBOARD - NCR, 95 key, well built, EC, $5, 6 lb.
CABLE - ribbon, colorful, arts & crafts to hardware, $6, 2 lb.
CONTROLS - limit, for color TV's, 2 boxes (20),
                    new, assortment of values, $8,
KEY SWITCHES - tubular, ACE, best quality, new, make a secure
                         keyboard instead of what's on most PC's, $5
CONNECTORS CENTRONICS - 10 Cinch, M-M, good quality, new $15
TRANSFORMER, unloaded 142 ma., with the following:
                           19 v. - .5 a.
                           24 v. - 2.5 a.
                           28 v. - 13 a.
                           11 v. - 20 a.
    The out puts can be mixed matched for different voltages & amps. MO
G65SC151PEI-1, GTEu, P350151 a PLCC have 65 of these. MO
GLOVES, finger less, leather, new, cycling or golfing $2 for both.
RECEPTACLE single, rated 15A 125V, boxed, 4 of these, new $2
GENERATOR NOISE, General Radio, white/pink/USASI, EC $39
VCR MULTIPLIER, boxed, 900 MHz, watch in any room, EC $20
CLEANING CARE KIT, for Bernoulli removable drives, new $2
WALL PLATE, TV-FM and rotor, lists $3/ea., new $2 all 3
COMMODORE/EPROM, system, consists of all of the following;
late model commodore 64 (new style case), EPROM programmer
will program 2716 to 27256, 2 disk drives , all boxes, cables,
power supplies, manuals. Will toss in all the above manuals#.
  All EC $120
C-PROGRAMMING BOOKS, Turbo C++, 4 books. All the following one book;
                     Microsoft Quick C, Advanced C, C Primer Plus,
                     total of 7 books, GC all, $6
  Differential DC Voltmeter, JF, Model 801
  MegOhmmeter, Industrial Instruments Co., Model L-6B
  Low Freq. Generator, HP, Model 202A
  Volt-Amp-Milliammeter, Sensitive Research Instrument Corp.
  Television/FM Sweep Generator, RCA, WR-69A wt. 17 lbs.
  Megohm Bridge, General Radio Co., Type 544-B
  Constant Voltage Conditioner, Digital, H7225-AC

  MO on all the above. No offer refused. Sold as is for parts.
SCIENCE BOOK MY FIRST, 10.25"X13.25", very large well illustrated,
                  excellent content, Mr.Wizard would have love this.
                  Slight water damage, pages are crinkled a bit.
                  No damage to print or colors and no page tear. $4
COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Vol.23 #3,4,5. 3 books, pgs. 408,352,332.
                                A publication of ACM Siggraph. $8
BATTERY PACK, Ni-Cd, 4 AA in shrink wrap, 4.8v, for turbo racing
               cars or where ever 4.8v or 1/4 less are needed, these
           can be easily split apart, Radio Shack No. 23-245 GC $3
ZIF SOCKET, fit 24 to 32 pin DIP's, made by 3M, good quality, new $4
MOTHERBOARD, 486 & 386 and 2 - 14.4K modems sold for parts, $5
ATARI 5200, great older game machine, boxed, with Space Invaders,
                 Dig Dug, Joust, Pac-Man, Mario Bros., Centipede. EC
                 except for joysticks, will have to solder on switch
                 for fire button. wt. 16 lbs. $20
PHONE JACK/WIRING BLOCK, new, just purchased from Sun, $1
TRANSMITTER's, 5 watts, are set for between two CB chs. 3&4
               these are removed from new equipment, board measures
               about 1 6/16" X 5", $6
CAP variable air, 50-1470 pF, about 8.5"x4.5"x4.5", biggest I've
                  seen, stainless steel and AL, $6


Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272)
"...Spam is bad. Spam wastes resources. Spam is theft of service. Don't spam, period..."
Received on Mon Aug 04 1997 - 23:52:13 BST

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