Hans Pufal wrote:
> I have updated my opus magnus : the Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
> (CCC), it now records 3574 computers. Please take a look and send any
> comments or updates my way. It can be found at
> <http://www.digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc>
Looks good, I especially like the part where you give the sources for
the infomation!!! I've had it bookmarked for quite a while and it is
great to hear that you are still updating it.
> There are over 800 machines with unknown dates, would the list members
> be upset if I do a weekly posting of, say 10 names in an attempt to
> get
> more info? If you do object send me Email and I will stop.
This sounds like a good idea as well as one that is appropriate for this
group! Are you looking for the date that the computers first shipped or
perhaps rather advertised that they would ship :)?
Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 01:44:52 BST