
From: Isaac Davis <idavis_at_comland.com>
Date: Thu Aug 7 10:09:42 1997

At 08:20 AM 8/7/97 -0500, Bill Girnius wrote:
>I recently aquired a 1040 STf, what's the deal with the f designator,
>anyone know? Im still workin on finding a monitor.
          STF means ST+internal _F_loppy drive. There is a good web page
with a bunch of ST stats and info at:

Isaac Davis | Don't throw out that old computer,
idavis_at_comland.com | check out the Classic Computer Rescue List -
indavis_at_juno.com | http://www.comland.com/~idavis/classic/classic.html
Received on Thu Aug 07 1997 - 10:09:42 BST

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