
From: <(>
Date: Tue Aug 12 11:43:05 1997

In message <>you write:
> One machine I hear very little about nowadays - the Superbrain.

Yep, I can remember drooling over them when I was a kid. Dual Z80's and
64K seemed like more than you could ever need. I now have one :-)

> A little discussion with our procurement (= disposals) people, and the
> machine went home with me. It now sits on my shelves, waiting for
> someone to give it a boot disk.
> Anyone know where to get system disks for this machine?

I have some. I also live in the UK (Cambridge) so shipping won't be
much. I actually have a Superbrain Jr. I can't remember what density
disks it has but I will check tonight. What model is yours.

Did the company Intertec make any other machines?

Old Computer Collector:
Received on Tue Aug 12 1997 - 11:43:05 BST

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