
From: <(>
Date: Tue Aug 12 18:35:01 1997

> I have some. I also live in the UK (Cambridge) so shipping won't be
> much. I actually have a Superbrain Jr. I can't remember what density
> disks it has but I will check tonight. What model is yours.

Excellent. Thank you very much. I too shall check such things tonight
- if I can (I have no documentation at all)

> Did the company Intertec make any other machines?

According to Kai Kaltenbach's recent post, it seems they made something
called a Compustar. The name doesn't ring any bells for me, however.

If you're in Cambridge, you ought to belong to the Cambridge University
Computer Preservation Society. I think Richard Davies (
will be able to tell you more.

I shall be at CUCPS next term, on 4th November, hopefully demonstrating
the Tektronix 4052, if you're interested.

Received on Tue Aug 12 1997 - 18:35:01 BST

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