Unix on PDP-11

From: Warren Toomey <wkt_at_henry.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Date: Wed Aug 13 00:50:31 1997

I seem to have received an email which has bounced thru a few people. I'll try
to give attributions where possible.

Dave Jenner:
> Is this the same SCO that is receiving the PDP-11 Unix petition?
> Heaven help us!

> I saw a thing on SCO's webpage about submitting a success story to win a
> prize. I decided it was time for some shameless plugging!
> Look what I got in return... He almost gets the point...

Daniel Seagraves:
> >
> >I have a PDP-11. I bet it would make for some
> >pretty decent advertising if you'd give me the
> >source to compile Unix on it... :)

Jim Sullivan:
> Well, since much of the early UNIX development was done on PDP11s, a version
> of UNIX could possilbe be found for it, but it's probably very old and
> out of date. Of note, my first job in the industry was with a company
> called Human Computing Resources (later HCR, later merged with SCO).
> HCR was one of the pioneers in the UNIX industry and was the provider of
> UNIX ports and layered implementations of UNIX across many platforms,
> including PDP11s. PDP11/Unity was one of our products. Of course, we
> don't sell it anymore and haven't sold it for over a decade.

The Answer

The answer for Daniel Seagraves is to fill in the petition asking SCO to
sell the source code for these old UNIXes. SCO does hold the legal rights
to these old systems. We're hoping that they will be encouraged by the
petition, and help people like Daniel out.

The petition is at:

        http://minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au/PUPS/ and choose the top hyperlink.

The petition has been formally presented to SCO, and we're waiting on
an answer back from them. The signs seem good, though!

Received on Wed Aug 13 1997 - 00:50:31 BST

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