Philips G7000

From: PDP11 Hacker ..... <>
Date: Wed Aug 13 14:42:41 1997

>Yes thanks, I have four or five. I don't expect to use the thing until
>I can find out how to get composite video or RGB out, since I don't
>possess a television.

Presumably if it has a UHF output it also has an internal modulator. Can't you
just tap off composite video from the input to that?

What chips _other than the 8048_ are in this device? Is the video side custom
or does it use one of the many Philips video chipsets? (Philips Prestel
terminals tend to be stuffed with their Teletext IC's, for example...)


Received on Wed Aug 13 1997 - 14:42:41 BST

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