
From: Olminkhof <jolminkh_at_c2.telstra-mm.net.au>
Date: Fri Aug 22 05:38:55 1997

After all the discussion here recently about collecting PDP11's I have
located one which I intend negotiating for. I haven't actually seen it yet.

It is a PDP11/15, a model number that I haven't seem mentioned. Is there a
listing somewhere on the web that describes the various models as there is
for PDP8's ?

This one apparently dates from about 1970, and is probably incomplete.
There was talk of a rack, the PDP11/15 itself, some RKO5 disk drives and
some boxes labelled PDP11/10 which may be other computers. There is no
other IO device other than front panel switches.

Could this equipment be used with a more recent terminal? I have no chance
of finding a card reader or teletype but have access to several VT220's.
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 05:38:55 BST

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