At 08:50 PM 8/21/97 -0500, you wrote:
>flakes all over it from that age. Anyway, it was simply a black and white
>game in which you control a motorcycle (a white dot or line) down the
>road, again white lines, and try not to die. A very simple game. I also
There was a game called "Night Driver" that was similar. It too was simple
graphically, with a pair of dotted(?) lines scrolling downward to indicate
the edge of the road. It would bend right and left -- curves -- and you had
to steer between them. Had a real steering wheel and an accellerator pedal,
possibly a high-low gear shift as well. I know there was a sit-down model,
there may have been a stand-up version as well.
It was incredibly simple, especially compared to some of the high-end,
need-a-pentium-and-3d-video-card games out today, but it was actually a lot
of fun.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 18:37:13 BST