Kaypro II help needed

From: John Ruschmeyer <jruschme_at_exit109.com>
Date: Thu Aug 28 06:15:59 1997

>> ^G) and the floppy light is staying on but not spinning. i do get an a:
>> prompt though. someone mentioned the keyboard controller chip missing, but
>> it's there. this machine has two half height floppies which i assume
>> incorrect. would full height pc/xt drives be "correct"? what should i check
>> now?
>Perhaps your keyboard cord is defective? The Kaypro II uses a phone
>cord. Make sure the phone cord you are using is RJ14 and not RJ11. RJ14
>is four conductor while RJ11 is only 2 conductor.

More preciesly, it uses a headset cord. This is a slightly narrower
connector than
an RJ-11.

As for drives, the 1/2 heighters sound correct, but not original. A pair of
should be find, just watch out for the drive select jumpering.

Received on Thu Aug 28 1997 - 06:15:59 BST

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