At 07:58 28-08-97 -0800, you wrote:
>> Tim or Allison, I could really use your help. Tim, I think something in
>> the mail system may be preventing my messages from reaching you.
>That might be. I see your messages here on classiccmp, at least...
<whew!> That, at least, is something... for a while, I thought I had
pestered you to death or some silly thing... ;-)
>OK, one last attempt with VMS EXCHANGE:
Thank you! It all worked, and I now have the necessary files unZIPped onto
the MicroVAX.
Now the next hurdle; Ever since I installed OpenVMS 6.2, my second TK50
has disappeared. The device scan, at initial boot, won't even detect it.
Hardware setup is:
KA630 CPU, v. 1.3 firmware
16 MB memory
M3104 8-port serial MUX
DELQA Ethernet card (M7516YA)
RQDX3 (M7555), two RD54's and an RX50
Two TK50 drives/controllers (M7546)
RRD40 CD-ROM controller (M7552)
The Really Odd Thing is that it worked before, under MicroVMS 4.6, but now
it won't even work with that. I suspect, though I've not confirmed it yet,
that it may have to do with:
1). The fact that I've added a CD-ROM controller (appears as DUB0:)...
2). The order that I've got boards plugged into the backplane (BA123 box).
Tonight, I will try transposing the positions of the two TK50 controllers
I have. I will also try jumpering the suspect controller as the primary and
removing the RRD40's board.
Any suggestions would be welcome. As mentioned, I find it interesting that
two TK50's worked under MicroVMS 4.6, then suddenly stopped working under 6.2.
Do I need to use SYSGEN, perhaps, after the fact? If so, what string do I
feed it? (low on docs again!)
For comparison/test purposes, I'm going to CC this to the CLASSICCMP
mailing list as well as your return address. Whichever one you see first
will tell me if there really is a problem with the mail system.
CLASSICCMP users, my apologies. Please bear with me until I can figure out
what's been going weird with mail to Tim's site.
Thanks in advance!
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail:
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Fri Aug 29 1997 - 09:39:16 BST