;-) Benedict Chong head-scratched, yawned, then typed:
>On Tue, 02 Dec 1997 12:36:15 -0500, Roger wrote:
>%Speaking of my T200, it can turn itself on and off... can a Wintel
>box do
>%that??? ;-)
>I hate to waste bandwidth, but :
>Yes, a modern Wintel box can turn itself off. Notebooks running W95
>can shut themselves down. Desktops with ATX motherboards and
>associated ATX-type power supplies can do the same. Quite useful,
>considering the amount of time Win95 takes to shut itself down : you
>start the shutdown process and go off without having to wait...
I hate to continue the waste [well, maybe not], but in my original post I
said "on _and_ off..." These machines cannot turn on by themselves
unattended by setting an internal wake-up time. My T200 can collect data
for months totally unattended if I need it to.
And it's got a nicer keyboard than modern laptops, too! (I can hit 110 wpm
on my T200 laptop keyboard -- can't do that on a StinkPad! ;-)
Should I mention which commercial laptops you can take on the Space
Shuttle??? ;^>
Have fun with the geezers,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should *not*
zmerch_at_northernway.net | be your first career choice.
Received on Tue Dec 02 1997 - 21:40:52 GMT