Portable Collection

From: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca <(jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca)>
Date: Sun Dec 7 17:17:34 1997

> ;-) Ward Donald Griffiths III head-scratched, yawned, then typed:
> >Sam Ismail wrote:
> >> Of course there's always the Unix laptops made possible by our friend
> >> Linux. My friend once loaded Linux onto his 386/?? laptop. It worked
> >> like a champ.

Slackware 3.4 (2.0.30)

Instead of that "standoffish" newsgroups first, I try here once, I
have a problem w/ linux and notebook LTE 386s/20 with 10mb RAM is
more like a Peecee in many ways BUT:

Since the bios does not have flexiablity so I chose appox 150mb in
the bios and used a dyrnota quantum 514 2.5" hd in it (hint: to help
lilo to boot). Setting up the lilo in normal way resulted in L 04
error and scrolling of 04's or 00's and looked in lilo's README.
Tried both linear (better) and plugged the append = "C/H/S" resulted
in LI and do nothing. I can access and work with stuff in hd with a
bootdisk created during the installation.

/dev/hda is whole 514mb hd.
/dev/hda1 is swap type 82 of 20mb worth.
/dev/hda2 is linux type 83 and active, also lilo is pointed at this
partition of course!

Been at this for hours with very little progress!

PS: I'm still trying to get the 1.2.13 kernel complied with a ppa
driver added but bombs out when trying to use ppa.h and it's good
copy because of that gzip'ed file transferred in by disk and off the


> >I've been running Linux on portables since my first DEC 325SL about
> >four years ago. What's this "once" stuff? I go back and forth
> >every day with a (this year) Everex StepNote P133 running Caldera
> >OpenLinux 1.1 with Red Hat CDE. Oh, there _is_ a 300MB partition
> >that still has Win95 (it came preloaded) for playing noisy games. I
> >boot that partition maybe every other week, it's not the default.
> Sam had it wrong -- His friend loaded Linux "once," not the 542,000 times
> required by Win95 before it might last 1/2 hour between crashes!!! ;-)

(!!) I also run win95sloth. :) What crashes??? :) None. That is
possible by having proper, decent hardware I put in. Ran this
computer without powercycling for nearly every 1 week or so
now using netscape 3.01 gold, free agent, pegasus mail and runs odd
programs from time to time. And Daily use.
And power cycle occurred when attaching or removing zip drive.


> Thanks,
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger
> --
> Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
> Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should *not*
> zmerch_at_northernway.net | be your first career choice.
Received on Sun Dec 07 1997 - 17:17:34 GMT

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