Unix on Zenith Supersport SX

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Mon Dec 8 21:59:24 1997

<>I'd not heard of Elks, as I no longer stay on the "Bleeding Edge" of Linux

ELKS is Embedded Linux Kernal System. It's a very small memory model of
linux to fit on say an 8086/8 (xt) system.

It's earlier unix cousin for z80 was UZI...

<Or... dare I say it... linux on a TRS-80 Model 100/102/200??? :)

No way, UZI is fairly tight and minimal V7 and want 32k for itself and 32k
for apps and a disk (hard disk) to implement total swapping of the swapable
sections of the app or UZI.

UNIX and varients are a relatively large system OS and doesn't fit well
on most 8bit cpus especially if written in C due to code inefficentcy
from a lack of a full indexed/indirect addressing modes that C expects.
(common on PDP11 and other minis). The 8086 is a bit better but the
segmentation makes it messy again.

Received on Mon Dec 08 1997 - 21:59:24 GMT

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