OK, for those of you that have been waiting for an opportunity to get
a VS2000, here it is -- if you happen to be near the New York area. ;-)
Please reply TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, not to me. I'm just forwarding
what I found on Usenet.
Attachment follows.
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
From: Nathan Keir Edel <edel_at_best.com_SPAMBLOCK>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.dec
Subject: VS2000: Free in NYC
Date: 26 Dec 1997 05:19:19 GMT
Organization: Forte Systems, Inc.
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <67veon$sek$1_at_nntp2.ba.best.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: shell3.ba.best.com
X-Trace: 883113559 29140 edel
X-Notice: Remove SPAMBLOCK from return address to reply via email.
x-no-archive: yes
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 unoff BETA 970424; i386 FreeBSD 2.2.5-STABLE]
Xref: Supernews70 comp.sys.dec:58593
Vaxstation 2000
Configuration questionable. Booted when I put it into storage.
Running some version of VMS. HD/RAM?
Some cables. Probably not all of them. Keyboard if I can find it. Big
greyscale monitor too. No manuals.
Also an AT&T 3b2/310, if anyone wants it.
Both 100% FREE in Queens (near #7 line) NYC, if you pick them up.
Not interested in shipping them or cash offers. If nobody picks them up by
1/31, they go in the trash. First come, first served.
If interested, email edel_at_best.com BEFORE 1/2 or
after 1/3
Nathan Keir Edel "In this world of delusion, #6: Which side are you on?
edel_at_best.com never turn your back on a #2: That would be telling.
friend..." -- Iron Maiden -- The Prisoner
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
Bruce Lane, SysOp,
The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fido 1:343/272)
kyrrin2 {at} wiz<ards> d[o]t n=e=t
"...No matter how hard we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe
an object, event, or living creature, in our own human terms. It cannot possibly
define any of them!..."
Received on Fri Dec 26 1997 - 02:41:26 GMT