Help on Altos 586 system...

From: Jeff Kaneko <>
Date: Mon Dec 29 08:24:41 1997

If its of any help at all, I remember Altos default ROOT password was
'sotla'. It has probly been changed, but you never know . . .


> Decided to fire up yet another previously unchecked box in the collection,
> and after the normal preliminaries cranked it up, and found that it boots
> to Xenix v3.0b. And of course, with the usual problems... No docs, and no
> passwords...
> Tried some of the more common openings, with no success so far... And I've
> watched the boot process, and don't see any opportunity to abort to 'single
> user' mode... Suggestions???
> I can abort the boot all together, and end up at the following screen:
> Monitor Version V1.1
> Press any key to interrupt boot
> Enter [1] to boot from Hard Disk
> Enter [2] to boot from Floppy Disk
> Enter [3] to enter Monitor
> Booting from the hard disk takes me back to Xenix, I have no floppies so
> that one is out for the moment, and going to the 'monitor' gets me this:
> Enter option: 3
> < A, B, D, G, I, K, L, M, O, R, S, X >
> Anyone have any insights as to what these commands are? (don't want to
> stumble onto a HD init by accident)
> When Xenix boots, it indicates that the machine has 840k of RAM, but says
> little else. I'm not even sure right at the moment what processor is in
> it. (not dug that far under the panels)
> Anyone familiar with this particular machine, and/or this variant of Xenix
> that might be able to provide some insights? Any thoughts would be
> appreciated!
> Thanks!
> -jim
> ---
> The Computer Garage -
> Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Mon Dec 29 1997 - 08:24:41 GMT

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