SMTP import error #-5

From: Daniel A. Seagraves <>
Date: Tue Jul 8 08:31:54 1997

On 0 xxx 1980 wrote:

> > here's the choice: My 486 or the PDP?
> Hey - I'll take that 486 8-)

But it would be a LOT harder to get another PDP than another 486.

> I don't think V7 would fit on a RX02 - maybe an RL02. What you probably
> want is RT-11. Single user but with Foreground/Background tasking. Or
> you could try TSX? which is a multi-user RT-11 kinda sort of 8-) I have
> heard of but not seen one of these. Email me if you decide what you want.

Hmm... There's an RX02 boot though. Maybe it could boot of seperate
root/boot disks like Linux does? Of course, I can't build kernels as I
have no source, so that goes in the can. Basically, anything multi-user
would be cool, and TCP/IP would be a nice trick. BTW, which Unix was
first to have TCP/IP?
Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 08:31:54 BST

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