At 11:30 AM 7/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
><< I have a LAPTOP 80286. Can I connect to INTERNET with it?
> Does any Winsock exist?
>there is a program out in the shareware world called nettamer which will let
>you do mail and text only web browsing. i plan to use it on my ps2 model 30
There is also a program called "Arachne" which does graphical web browsing
under DOS. (I use it when working on web pages under DOS -- far more
efficient and faster than loading windoze and using a windows editor!) I
believe it also works with some TCP/IP stack for DOS, but I've not really
looked into that.
P.S. the NetTamer home page is at <>
and there's a whole passel of DOS Browser/etc. info at
<>. Hope this helps!
P.P.S. you can, of course, use a shell account with pine, tin, lynx, etc.
with just about any computer that can hook up to a modem.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 20:19:21 BST