Commodore Equipment

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Wed Jul 16 12:39:34 1997

Howdy, guys & Gals!

I just came back from our local [p]university's junk-sale and I did find a
couple of interesting things:

they had all their equipment for sale: $5 per item. I left all the 8088 /
monochrome clone junk (I remember when these were bought... most *were*
junk).. I found an Epson LQ-500 with tractor feed -- $5. I picked up a Mac
IIsi ?/40 (nice Quantum 40Megger in it :-) for -- $5.00

[Drum roll, please]

And I found a Commie B-128. I've heard of the C-128... are these similar,
or is this actually the same thing, or what? I'm not big on Commie stuff
(goofiest basic I've ever played with... and slooooo disk drives) but I
collect for uniqueness, and this seemed rather unique.

It has a card-edge IEEE-488 port, card-edge cassette, cartridge, "normal"
RS-232 and other ports (that I don't remember... I just got a quick look at
it), the Serial number is 0025xx (don't remember last two digits, but it
seems early) and IIRC (but I haven't seen a C-128 in nearly a decade -- and
that was only at K-mart) it looks different from a C-128.

Did I do good?

Also, they had a PET-style CBM-8050 (or was that 5080...) dual garage-door
style disk drives, and a printer that hooked up thru a funky
Centronics-like cable. Interested in those? I could go back tomorrow.

Here's a question: Who's interested in typesetting equipment? They had a
Compugraphic machine with 8" drives there... dunno price. But it had
several font carts with it, and I do know this baby's classic. (The stuff I
used to work on was at least 10 years old, and this is older.)

Maybe I'll go back and get that tomorrow as well... if my wife doesn't kill
me first!

If anyone's interested in the other commie stuff lemme know today and I'll
snag it tomorrow. (E-mail's best... see below.)

Anywho, any info on the B-128 would be most appreciated!

Thanks one and all!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger Merchberger       | Why does Hershey's put nutritional
Programmer, NorthernWay | information on their candy bar wrappers  | when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Wed Jul 16 1997 - 12:39:34 BST

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