I can attest to this! I once had a prototype GSM Class I phone
(which nobody makes anymore, BTW), and there were no less than three
684xx processors in it. Wish I still had that thing--
> >> At 08:59 AM 6/27/97 BST, someone wrote:
> > Big advantage here over Atari and Amiga 68000 based
> >hardware is the high availability of dirt cheap networking and disk
> >hardware... other than that, I'll take the 68000 based stuff any day as a
> >personal preferance.
> If interested in such family of CPU's and want to use them as preference, be
> informed that Motorola use a 68k chip inside its GSM cellular phones (like
> 7000's and 8000's)
> I found this info on
> http://www.ibt.dk/morten/friends/hardware.htm
> Ciao!
> ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Received on Mon Jul 21 1997 - 09:47:04 BST