At 12:02 AM 7/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
> Offhand, and I may offend a few sensibilities here, that folks who
>care for computing's history should be willing to bear such short-
>term inconveniences as medium-sized monetary expenditures. If you
Well, I would gladly spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars to save
computers (and misc. other stuff I collect) from around the world. Problem
is, I'm lucky if I've got enough $ to save me from going hungry. I'm not
complaining, mind you (it's my own fault, really; spending all this money on
silly computers and land rovers and stuff...) but just pointing out that a
lot (most?) people simply *CAN'T* blow $200 on shipping a computer or
what-have-you. Doesn't do much good to get an HP3000 series 3 if you then
have to rip the guts out to live in it.
I get the same story from people who say "Oh, you really ought to join the
Y/club/whatever, it's not expensive" when what they really mean is "it's not
expensive for me, but hey, I just bought a $50K BMW for my kid's 15th
birthday." (I think there are those who get BMW's for their birthday, and
those who get underwear. I got underwear.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Jul 23 1997 - 21:23:27 BST