pdp 11/34 headed for landfill

From: Glenn Roberts <groberts_at_mitre.org>
Date: Thu Jun 5 20:05:14 1997

fyi, posted on comp.os.cpm ...

- glenn

A friend in a bit of a time bind will probably be sending a PDP 11/34
to the landfill very soon. If you want it, and probably a half dozen
other assorted racks of minicomputers plus hundreds of reels of 1/2"
tape, but NO S-100 stuff (you can probably guess who got THAT!) e-mail

stuff is located in Tucson, very close to I-10

sorry, no one available to pack it, but Amtrak does stop here.......
and they shi[p stuff pretty cheap......

Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 20:05:14 BST

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