I'm fairly new to the list, so I'd like to introduce myself (and my
I am typing this message right now on an Apple IIGS. I've worked
with most of the older Apple II series computers also. I still
actively use my Apple IIGS for nearly every task that most people
think requires a "new" computer.
My first computer, on which I learned a *lot* about programming, was
the Mattel Aquarius, which I still own. I've been looking off and on
for information about it. The FAQ is nice, but I know of at least one
possible inaccuracy: the "Chess" game was released, I'm reasonably
sure, because I have it. The computer's not too bad of a player,
either, if I remember (it's been *years* since I've used the machine -
I'm living at college right now, and the Aquarius is at home).
I know now that a lot of people didn't like the Aquarius. I thought it
was a really neat machine. I probably learned more from it that from
any other single learning tool I've ever had, with the *possible*
exception of my IIGS.
I'm looking forward to hearing about anyone else's experiences with
the Aquarius (or even the IIGS, though info about that is still
plentiful on comp.sys.apple2).
Andy Brobston brobstona_at_wartburg.edu
My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wartburg College
as a whole.
Received on Sun Jun 08 1997 - 11:54:15 BST