Sage IV...

From: Kevan Heydon <>
Date: Tue Jun 10 11:44:55 1997

In message <>you write:
> Im not rich, Don't have one. Do I want one? Help me out here? what is it?

To start with you can see a picture of a Sage II here:

The IV is a slightly higher box as it contains a full height hard disk.
The CPU is a 68000 running at 8MHz. My II has 512Kb of memory but I
think the IV has more. They have a serial port to connect a console and
they also have a HPIB port. I only know them to run a the UCSD Pascal
system but it seems that they also have other software.

Sorry I don't know much more as even though I have had mine for quite
some time I haven't had much chance to play with them.

Old Computer Collector:
Received on Tue Jun 10 1997 - 11:44:55 BST

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