>Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 23:47:56 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_crl.com>
>Subject: C64 thingy
>I picked up a Commodore 64 a while ago that had this special board
>inside. It was inserted between the keyboard and the motherboard. IE.
>it had a connector that plugged into the keyboard rolex connector on the
>motherboard and then the keyboard ribbon cable plugged into it. Then it
>had a 9-pin male D-type connector than came out the back of the C64. My
>guess is that it was for a numeric keypad or something. I forgot what
>was stamped on the circuit board. Any ideas?
Sounds like a keypad connector to me, I think it may be a Cardco
keypad (there I think was an option to plug it into the joystick port
and interface it via software.
I have some other brand which uses a DIP connector (like old apple
paddle/joysticks), unfortunately I do not have the 64 with the interface
board though.
Larry Anderson
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Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 01:13:14 BST